Course curriculum
Welcome to the Tarot for Business Course
Module 1: Introduction to the tarot
Module 2: Symbols and Intention
Module 3
Module 4: The Portal
Module 5
Module 6
How to use the platform Welcome from Ange de Lumiere -
1.1 My tarot story 1.2 What are tarot cards 1.3 How do tarot decks work? 1.4 How to choose your tarot deck Workbook for module 1 -
2. Module 2: Symbols and Intention Workbook for Module 2 -
Module 3: Anatomy of a good reading Workbook for Module 3 -
Module 4: The portal Workbook for Module 4 -
Module 5.1: My business deck Module 5.2: How to use my deck Where can you purchase my tarot deck? -
Module 6: How to look after your deck Workbook for Module 6
A small investment for a lifetime of wisdom
This course is a great introduction to the tarot geared for CEOs, leaders and even lawyers