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  • Beliefs drive our behaviours

    It is not our conscious thoughts that drive our behaviours. It is our beliefs. And 90% of our beliefs are subconscious. We acquire most of them before the age of seven. Once we map out our beliefs we can start choosing the ones that serve us and get rid of the rest.

  • Identifying limiting beliefs

    My observation is that a lot of limiting beliefs that lead us to sabotage our success come from religious beliefs. This happens regardless of whether we are religious ourselves because most cultures have deeply embedded religious beliefs that seep into every area of society.

  • Changing beliefs

    Most people identify with their thoughts and they say it is their truth. They feel attacked when someone challenges these beliefs. Once you realise you are not your thoughts, you can start your journey to freedom by becoming more selective about the thoughts you decide to focus on.

Course curriculum

Stop clinging onto unhelpful beliefs

And start curating a belief system that supports your dreams

Time to crush that upper limit

Unless you work on your beliefs you will continue to sabotage your success

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