Course curriculum
Before we start, make sure you complete this section
Module 1: Identifying limiting beliefs
Module 2: Challenging your limiting beliefs
Module 3: Identifying the emotions
Module 4: How would you feel without this belief?
Module 5: What healthier belief can you replace it with?
What now?
How to use this course Welcome to my Stop Sabotaging your Success Course -
Identifying toxic religious beliefs (this also applies to non religious beliefs) Download the Course PDF Watch this video to pick three beliefs from the PDF Optional: Replay of a livestream that goes deeper into the task for day 1 -
Challenging toxic religious beliefs (this also applies to non religious beliefs) Watch this video to challenge the belief you chose in module 1 Optional: Replay of a livestream that goes deeper into the task for day 2 -
Journaling on the emotions the belief triggers in us Watch this video to identify the emotions linked to the belief you chose in module 1 Optional: Replay of a livestream that goes deeper into the task for day 3 -
How would you feel without this belief? Watch this video to explore how you would feel without the belief you identified in module 1 Optional: Replay of a livestream that explores what it would feel like without the belief -
Last module: let's choose a more empowering belief Watch this video to choose a new belief that supports your dreams Optional: Replay of an EFT sequence to clear your belief -
Learn more about my five meditation box set for authors
Stop clinging onto unhelpful beliefs
And start curating a belief system that supports your dreams