Course curriculum
Welcome to the course!
Module One: Set Your Intention
Module Two: Go on a Treasure Hunt
Module Three: What is your dominant clair?
Module Four: The Intuitive Gym
Module Five: The Four Steps to Access Your Intuition
Next Steps...
Welcome to the Trust Your Intuition Training Course -
Welcome to module 1 Set your intention for your intuition PDF for module 1: Set your intention for your intuition Let me know how you got on with Module 1 so I can improve the course -
Welcome to Module 2 Treasure Hunt: Find Ten stories of Intuition PDF for module 2: Go on a Treasure Hunt Let me know how you got on with Module 2 so I can improve the course -
Welcome to Module 3 What is your dominant clair? PDF for Module 3: What is your dominant clair? Let me know how you got on with Module 3 so I can improve the course -
Welcome to Module 4 Your Intuitive Gym PDF for Module 4: The Intuitive Gym Let me know how you got on with Module 4 so I can improve the course -
Welcome to Module 5 Module 5: The four step process to get answers from your intuition PDF for module 5: The four steps to ask your intuition for guidance Let me know how you got on with Module 5 so I can improve the course -
What next?
Start trusting your intuition now
And build confidence in your own ability to know the answers after you do your research